Monday, May 23, 2011


I thought that the idea of global warming was interesting. Staryer says that "general global warming was the cause periodic flucuations in cold snaps and contempery global warming was caused by man".  This is something that I did not know.  Not totally sure about that concept though.  I still want to read more on it.  Chapter 2 talks about how the farming was different in different cultures.  I thought that they were the same.  I looked at it as just regular farmerming whereas strayer lookied at it as farming in patterns.  In chapter 3 stayer says that people question how different origins got started, I would have to agree becuse I sometimes do the same thing.  Although all of this is new to me I am learning a lot.  Stayers use of symbols  in the snap shot on page 71 was very helpful in understanding how the different cultuers wrote.