Sunday, June 5, 2011

How did Rome grow from a single city to the center of a huge Empire?
How did the collaspe of empire play out differently in the Roman world and in China?
Why were centerlized empires so much less prominent in India then in China?

Chapter four talked about the differences in the Eurasian empires. It also talked about how some of those empiers either completly collasped or partly collasped. In some cases on one side collasped while the other stayed in power for a little while longer. This was the case of the Roman empire and the China empire. The Roman empire was the one where only half collapsed right away while the other half stayed in power for a short while longer. The China empire collapsed completely. This chapter also compares the Persian civilization and the Greek civilization based on their values. The chapter also covered the change in the greek governments and how it came to be semidemocratic. It talked about the war between the Greeks and the Persians and their consequences. One thing I thought was interesting was how the chinese empire and the roman empire differed so much but in the end consolidated. This chapter also covered the two major eras that came crashing together. These two eras were the Alexander and the Hellenistic era. They were ruled as two separate eras until Alexander died. When this happened his empire divided into three kingdoms which where eventually ruled by leading Macedonian leaders. This chapter had a lot of information and comparing of empires. It did also cover some connection and changing of those empires.

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